MONTANA COLORS presenta, dentro de la programación del Loop Festival y en colaboración con Dosbcn studio, "GRAFFMAPPING 2.0", una pieza audiovisual donde la técnica del mapping se intercala con el aerosol y la captura de audio y video en directo. Esta suma de herramientas permiten diseñar un lenguaje que se adapta a cualquier espacio y soporte haciendo efímera cualquier intervención. Una visión renovada del graffiti a través de la interacción entre técnicas de la mano de este joven estudio de diseño formado por escritores de graffiti y diseñadores canarios con base en Barcelona.
MONTANA COLORS presents, within the program of Loop Festival in collaboration with Studio Dosbcn, "GRAFFMAPPING 2.0" an audiovisual piece where the mapping technique is interposed with aerosol and live audio and video captures. This sum of tools makes it possible to design a language that adapts to any space or surface, leading to every intervention being ephemeral. It's a renewed vision of graffiti made possible through the interaction between techniques, courtesy of this young design studio formed by graffiti writers and designers from the Canary Islands, based in Barcelona.
MONTANA COLORS presents, within the program of Loop Festival in collaboration with Studio Dosbcn, "GRAFFMAPPING 2.0" an audiovisual piece where the mapping technique is interposed with aerosol and live audio and video captures. This sum of tools makes it possible to design a language that adapts to any space or surface, leading to every intervention being ephemeral. It's a renewed vision of graffiti made possible through the interaction between techniques, courtesy of this young design studio formed by graffiti writers and designers from the Canary Islands, based in Barcelona.
Video produced Individuo / Audio GreenMindz
Mapping Suglas / Graphics DosBcn
Mapping Suglas / Graphics DosBcn
Photography Solecker Photography